James Bond 007: Blood Stone is published by Activision and delevoped by Bizarre Creations. James Bond 007: Blood Stone is a third-person shooter with hand-to-hand combat. Some elements from this game are from Quantum of Solace.
There are driving missions and much more. This game have features, a focus skill that can auto aim but you can use focus sistem only when you kill someone in close combat. You have to kill the enemies with the hands, or you have to stealth kill.
The focus works only one time / enemies, you can stealth 3 enemies and you can use focus three times. You can use your PDA to see where you have to go or to see the objectives, you can see enemies trought PDA.
You have to drive cars and catch the enemies. You need to stealth kill, that helps you to be more dangerous, that means you can kill and noone know your the killer. You can spy peoples. This game need to be played it have much features. This game is recommended for players over 18 years
marți, 28 decembrie 2010
James Bond 007: Blood Stone

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